I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and a master’s degree in Geophysics/Geology.
Remote Sensing is my passion and I have been self-learning how to use satellite data to assess environmental issues. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science & Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I strongly believe that it is our responsibility as a species aiming to restore the damage we have caused to our home planet and actively contribute, starting by changing our behavior and raising awareness of climate change in our communities. My current research revolves around utilizing remote sensing to address pressing environmental issues, specifically focusing on air quality after wildfires, dust events, and other natural or anthropogenic factors. I aim to, understand their impact on human health, with a strong emphasis on prioritizing the environmental justice (EJ) component and predicting health outcomes using machine learning (ML).
Country/Region of interest/research focus: US & Mexico