The academic debate on environmental justice initially focused on the distribution of environmental bads (e.g. toxic waste, air pollution), and expanded towards the distribution of environmental goods (e.g. green urban space) and to questions of unequal access to land and natural resources. Today, most research on environmental justice and injustice goes beyond investigating aspects of distributional justice. Scholars focus on procedural justice, recognition, access to information and knowledge production, and participation opportunities in decision-making processes related to environmental risks. Moreover, increasing attention is given to the politics of scale of environmental justice. Especially the growing scholarship on climate justice focuses on the scalar politics of climate governance, power asymmetries, North-South relations and inherently place-based impacts of global warming. This bibliography is divided into four sections:
1) Environmental justice: concepts and theory,
2) Case studies on environmental justice,
3) Climate justice: concepts and theory,
4) Case studies on climate justice.
The bibliography will be continuously updated. If you notice that important sources are missing, please contact us: enjust[at]

Environmental justice: concepts and theory
This section includes a number of conceptual and theoretical contributions advancing the academic discussions on environmental justice. This includes, among others, work on environmental racism, postcolonial approaches and recent contributions on multispecies environmental justice.

Case studies on environmental justice
This section provides a list of case studies focusing on distributional justice (e.g. spatial distribution of toxic waste), the emergence of the environmental justice movement and the politics of scale of environmental justice.

Climate justice: concepts and theory
This section includes, among others, articles and books looking into fairness, equity and procedural aspects of climate governance.

Case studies on climate justice
This section provides a list of case studies on climate justice including, among others, contributions on adaptation to climate change, gender inequality and climate change and migration.
Note on the bibliographies
With the bibliographies we make no claim to completeness nor to being up-to-date.