Book presentation and discussion on October 29, 2020, at 5 pm

The EnJust network cordially invites you to the presentation of two new books by the DFG-Kolleg-Research Group «Futures of Sustainability» at the University of Hamburg.

Gesellschaftstheorie im Anthropozän, edited by Frank Adloff and Sighard Neckel

The Anthropocene is the age in which human activity has become the most important factor influencing the geophysical processes on Earth – with serious consequences: climate crisis, extinction of species, poisoning of soil, water and air. What the Anthropocene means for the theory of society is still largely unclear. The contributions in this volume outline concepts of how society, economics, politics, and nature are to be thought in terms of social theory in the age of man.

Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit. «Katastrophe. Krise. Normalisierung«, edited by Frank Adloff, Benno Fladvad, Martina Hasenfratz and Sighard Neckel

Imaginations of sustainability design different possibilities for social-ecological change. As positive or negative imaginary worlds, catastrophic fears and end-time scenarios, invocations of normality and ecological ignorance, belief in technology and optimism of progress, but also utopian images of a good life in the future consciousness of the present appear. What tensions and lines of conflict arise when modern societies allow themselves to be guided by such contrary imaginations of sustainability?

The books are the prelude to the series «Futures of Sustainability» published by Campus-Verlag. Florian Dünckmann and Silja Klepp present the two volumes. This will be followed by a discussion in which the editors will participate.
In the second part of the event there will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and join in the discussion.

The event language will be German.

Time: Thursday, 29.10.2020, 5 pm – 6:30 pm
Location: digital via zoom
Please register by mail: afterwards the link will be shared with you.