4th EnJust Network Meeting | San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico | 4-6 October, 2023
«Environmental Justice and violence:
Resistances, articulations, and intersections»
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico
4-6 October 2023
Jointly organized by:
(Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social
Anthropology, Mexico)
(Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern
Border – National Autonomous University of Mexico)
(Faculty of Political and Social Sciences – National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Workshop email: enjustmx[at]gmail.com

Thematic focus
The EnJust 2023 meeting will be a space for collective reflection on the violence faced by environmental justice movements in order to make visible, characterize and to understand its different modalities and origins. We seek to address the situation of administrative, political, and legal protections as part of structural violence. We want to think about resistance strategies at different scales, and collaborate for the strengthening and expansion of the networks that environmental justice movements have been weaving and for the defense of territory and life. This implies reflecting on the degree of incidence of environmental justice struggles in institutional, political, and legislative structures and their impact on society; the scope and potential of environmental justice discourses as an engine for the construction of social alternatives and imaginaries; and the emergence of novel and transnational ways of articulating environmental justice struggles in differentiated contexts. We will especially pay attention to the intersection between EJ and the rise of the most recalcitrant political right-wing and so-called populist regimes around the world. These regimes try to undermine innovative efforts towards a new style of social development and EJ movements; tend to delegitimize, restrict, or outright eliminate particular, locally bounded, traditional, or critical forms of knowledge; and to restrict or even eliminate fundamental human freedoms and human rights.
Workshop format
The meeting will take place in person in San Cristobal de las Casas and will bring together around 35 participants, both members of the EnJust Network and interested professionals.
The format will include short communications in different formats and interactive discussions in an informal and collegial environment.
On this occasion we call for academic contributions on topics related, although not exclusively, to the various sources and forms of violence in the field of environmental justice, such as:
● Violence as legality/illegality
● Symbolic violence, structural violence
● Extreme violence (extermination, disappearance, necro politics)
● Violence and resistance in urban environments
● Resistances, agencies, networks, strategies, responses: how to overcome violence,
strategies to build hope (art, methodologies), role of critical academia
● Climate change and environmental degradation as slow violence.
Meeting structure
- Event closed to participants, with some selected activities open to the public and online transmission.
- Thematic sessions of max. 4-5 people with short presentations (15min), with a commentator moderator.
- Testimonial session with local and regional environmental activists.
Access the PDF Version of the Call for Paper:
Programm of the public and online Sessions:

Sesión híbrida sobre Justicia Marina – Entiendo la Justicia Azul: Construyendo puentes de diálogo y colaboración entre investigadores del Norte y Sur Global
Workshop organizing commitee:
- Celia Ruiz de Oña Plaza
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border, CIMSUR-UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) - Ignacio Rubio Carriquiriborde
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, FCPyS-UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) - Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez
CIESAS (Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, Mexico), Northeast Unit
EnJust Network Office
Jenny Bischoff, EnJust Kiel
With the generous support of the EnJust Core Team
E-mail contact: enjustmx[at]gmail.com