Marius Hübler

Marius Hübler is a PhD student within the working group of Silja Klepp at the Geography Department of Kiel University. With an interdisciplinary background in sustainability sciences and international economics, his main research interests are socio-ecological transformation processes, (economic) growth independent development models and structural possibilities to foster pathways towards climate justice and a ‘good life for all’. His…

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Konrad Ott

Konrad Ott endeavours in research and teaching to impart the competence of philosophical reflection, the achievements of ethical justification and orientation, such as empirical facts in the environmental field. His philosophical focus is on discourse ethics, environmental ethics, theories of justice, sustainability, ethical aspects of climate change, nature conservation reasons and the normative foundations of environmental policy. During his…

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Salome Wairimu Gikonyo

Miss Salome Gikonyo is a young researcher and environmentalist specializing in sustainability, transformative research and environmental management. She is an award-winning scholar of the leadership for Africa scholarship Award issued by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) January 2023. She is currently pursuing master’s degree in Sustainability at Kiel university Germany. She has served as a research assistant at…

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Nele Matz-Lück

Professor of public law with a focus on public international law including the law of the sea at Kiel University and co-director of the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law. Member of the Cluster of Excellency „Future Ocean“ and, since 2017, one of the co-speakers. Adjunct professorship at Dalhousie University in Halifax and was adjunct professor at the K.G….

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Simon Radtke

Simon Radtke is studying for a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Development at the University of Kiel and deals with questions of housing policy in times of neoliberalism and the right to the city / right to housing. Country/Region of interest/research focus: India, Northern Germany, Ruhr Region Link

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Sören Weißermel

Sören Weißermel is a human geographer and postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography, Kiel University. Areas of interest are human-environmental relations, critical development studies, urban studies and urban climate politics. In his PhD-project, he focused on processes of dispossession and precarization of marginalized and invisibilized people and lifeforms in the context of the construction of the Belo Monte…

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Colin von Negenborn

Colin von Negenborn is a postdoctoral researcher at Kiel University, working at both the institute of philosophy and the Walther Schücking institute for international law. With a background in physics (ETH Zurich), Colin pursued a PhD in economics (HU Berlin) in the field of mechanism design, effectively reverse-engineering game theory. He is now taking the language of game theory…

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Clara Lüpke

Clara Lüpke was part of the Coordinationteam of the EnJust Network for environmental justice. She was working as research assistant at in Prof. Klepp’s research group with the thematic focus on environmental justice. She wrote her bachelor’s thesis in Geography on the topic of “The role of digital spaces for young adults with cancer”. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Mediterranean…

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Christian Baatz

Dr Christian Baatz is a research associate at the Department of Philosophy at Kiel University and head of a research project investigating what constitutes a fair distribution of funds provided by the international community to the Global South for adaptation to climate change. Prior to this, he completed his doctorate in philosophy with a thesis on the justification and…

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Anna Lena Bercht

Anna Lena Bercht is a human geographer and a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography at the University of Kiel. Previously, she was a guest researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at the Stockholm University and at the Disaster Research Unit (DRU) at the Freie University Berlin. Her research lies at the interface of geography and psychology,…

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