Ravn Haid

Student of the master program “Environmental Management” at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. He is currently focusing on socio-technical imaginaries within the hydrogen energy transition in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Since Northern Germany has huge potentials for renewable energy production, the construction of a hydrogen energy infrastructure in Schleswig-Holstein is on its way. Ravn is researching the social and power relationships between the hydrogen transition expert-groups and the locally affected society with a special interest on the hydrogen infrastructure project “Westküste100” in Heide.

Country/Region of interest/research focus: France, Thailand, Germany/Schleswig-Holstein, STS research in hydrogen technologies


Keywords: Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Politics, Degrowth, Ecological Economics, Energy Justice, Gender and Development, Inter-and Transdisciplinary Research Methods, Marine Social Science, Migration, Mobility Concepts, Political Ecology, Postcolonialism, Science and Technology Studies, Socio-Ecological Transformation, Urban and Regional Planning
