Sven Bergmann is a cultural anthropologist currently working as a research associate at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven, Germany where he is responsible for the thematic area Ocean, Ships and Environment and coordinates the Interreg Project “North Sea Wrecks” about environmental impact of ammunition in the sea. His research focuses on question of environmental impact of emerging objects such as microplastics or aquaculture-related toxins (e.g. algal blooms) or via the transport of species with container ships or ballot water. Therefore, his research contributes to an anthropology of speculative futures/temporalities and ecologies, always dealing with questions how to care for these emerging naturecultures with a feminist and postcolonial perspective. Regarding the specific spatialities and temporalities of waste, pollution and toxicity in the marine and maritime environments, question of environmental justice and “slow violence” have become more and more important in his research.