Celia Ruiz de Oña Plaza

Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre on Chiapas and the Southern Border -CIMSUR- at the National Mexican Autonomous University -UNAM-. Her current research in the transborder region between Chiapas and Guatemala focuses on climate change adaptation, rural sustainable production systems and borderland issues. She integrates political ecology and borderland studies into the field of climate change adaptation. Further research…

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Caroline Meier

Caroline Meier is a research Fellow and PhD candidate at the Biosphere Reserves Institute at the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany. I study cultural dimensions of human-‘nature’ relations. Of particular interest are power relations within environmental initiatives, how they emerged and how they work. In my PhD project, I investigate how international organisations allowed and still allow for…

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Carola Klöck

Assistant professor of political science at Sciences Po Paris. Her research draws on political science, human geography and development studies, and examines the politics of climate change in small island states, with a particular focus on adaptation finance, coastal adaptation, and UN climate negotiations. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Small Island Developing States, Comoros, Seychelles Link

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Armando Hernández de la Cruz

Professor of society and environment, at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Member of the Academic Group of Gender Studies. Her current research in the Gulf Coast focuses on gender relations in fishermen’s households. Further research focuses on the cultural and social consequences of oil infrastructure development in the Gulf of Mexico, using theory from political ecology. Country/Region of…

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A.R. Siders

Assistant professor in public policy and geography at the University of Delaware and core faculty in the Disaster Research Center. Her research focuses on climate change adaptation decision-making, evaluation, and equity. Recent projects have explored managed retreat and relocation as coastal adaptation strategies and the social justice implications of adaptation and disaster risk reduction allocations. She is a lawyer…

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Antje Bruns

Antje Bruns is a professor for Sustainable Development and Governance in the Human Geography Department at Trier University. Her work examines socio-political geographies of resources and the role of politics, power and expertise in environmental governance. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Germany, Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux), Coastal Cities; West-Africa Website

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Anne Tittor

Researcher in the Research Group Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Transnational Entanglements and Interdependencies in the Bioenergy Sector at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Her current research in Argentina and Europe focuses on socio-ecological conflicts, green grabbing and strategies of social-ecological transformation. She draws on Political Ecology, post- and decolonial perspectives and transnational studies. Further research focuses are global social inequalities,…

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Anna-Lena Friedl

My current research focus is on planetary health. In my master’s thesis, I will analyse the German debate on planetary health with a particular focus on climate justice and transformation models. I try to incorporate postcolonial, discrimination-sensitive and feminist thinking into my research and writing. More-than-human ecologies, multispecies ethnography and medical anthropology as well as multimodality and science communication…

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Anna Lena Bercht

Anna Lena Bercht is a human geographer and a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography at the University of Kiel. Previously, she was a guest researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at the Stockholm University and at the Disaster Research Unit (DRU) at the Freie University Berlin. Her research lies at the interface of geography and psychology,…

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Anika Schmidt

Anika Schmidt is a scientist working on urban transformations towards sustainability at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Department Urban and Environmental Sociology. Her research includes e.g. urban governance, (cooperative) processes of green space development and the socio-spatial implications of housing market dynamics. She is involved in transdisciplinary research projects, contributing to combine the knowledge and…

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