Klaus Geiselhart

Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. As a social geographer, he worked on social inclusion and exclusion, urban studies, praxelogical theories, the methodology of the social sciences and geographical health research. He developed the research programme of a transactional anthropology, which expresses a specific understanding of critique as mediation. It is particularly suited to analyze local power…

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Hali Healy

Hali Healy has co-authored and co-ordinated work on two EC funded projects on sustainable development. One of these was EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade, 2011-2014), a project that linked researchers from the sustainability sciences and environmental justice organisations (EJOs). On the basis of this work Hali has published several peer-reviewed articles, and co-edited a book, Ecological Economics…

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Timothy Adams

Timothy Adams (Dr. PhD) is Postdoctoral researcher of Human Geography in commercial investments of natural resources, institutional change and innovations, inclusive businesses, gender, and resource governance (e.g., land, water, and forest etc.) at the University of Bern, Institute of geography and member of Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED). His current research in sub-Saharan Africa focuses on institutional innovations…

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Konrad Ott

Konrad Ott endeavours in research and teaching to impart the competence of philosophical reflection, the achievements of ethical justification and orientation, such as empirical facts in the environmental field. His philosophical focus is on discourse ethics, environmental ethics, theories of justice, sustainability, ethical aspects of climate change, nature conservation reasons and the normative foundations of environmental policy. During his…

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Jinat Hossain

PhD researcher at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at KU Leuven, Belgium. Her PhD investigates the role of social innovation and gender in attaining sustainable adaptation in coastal social-ecological systems in Bangladesh.  Her research covers multi-disciplinary issues connected to gender and feminist theories. Some of the themes she works with are gendered policy, land rights, migration, religion,…

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Leah Lazer

I am an experienced urban sustainability researcher who helps policymakers make evidence-based and equity-focused decisions. Over the past seven years at the World Resources Institute, I have authored almost 20 research publications using both qualitative and quantitative methods. My main areas of expertise are urban policy and planning, equity analysis of environmental policies, multi-level governance, just transitions, mobility, and…

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Yoana de Jesus Vargas Magana

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and a master’s degree in Geophysics/Geology. Remote Sensing is my passion and I have been self-learning how to use satellite data to assess environmental issues. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science & Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I strongly believe that it is our…

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Sven Bergmann

Sven Bergmann is a cultural anthropologist currently working as a research associate at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven, Germany where he is responsible for the thematic area Ocean, Ships and Environment and coordinates the Interreg Project “North Sea Wrecks” about environmental impact of ammunition in the sea. His research focuses on question of environmental impact of emerging objects…

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Celia Ruiz de Oña Plaza

Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre on Chiapas and the Southern Border -CIMSUR- at the National Mexican Autonomous University -UNAM-. Her current research in the transborder region between Chiapas and Guatemala focuses on climate change adaptation, rural sustainable production systems and borderland issues. She integrates political ecology and borderland studies into the field of climate change adaptation. Further research…

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Antje Bruns

Antje Bruns is a professor for Sustainable Development and Governance in the Human Geography Department at Trier University. Her work examines socio-political geographies of resources and the role of politics, power and expertise in environmental governance. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Germany, Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux), Coastal Cities; West-Africa Website

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