International workshop on “Narratives and practices of environmental justice” 6.-8. June 2019

Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel, Frauenhoferstraße 13, 24118 Kiel

The aim of the EnJust Workshop is to promote the exchange between science, civil society and practitioners on questions of environmental justice. The workshop focuses on narratives and practices of environmental (in)justice with the objective to overcome  disciplinary, one-dimensional views on the environmental crisis. The meeting will take place from 06 – 08 June 2019 at the Wissenschaftszentrum of the University of Kiel. The program consists of five topics with a total of 35 presentations.

Thursday, June 06th

Public events:

14.00-15.30, Keynote

Prof. Dr. Gordon Walker (Lancaster) «Environmental justice in space and time: opening up temporalities»

Thursday, June 06th

19.00-open end, Vernissage

Photo Installations on Climate Justice in Oceania by Barbara Dombrowski (Hamburg)

Friday, June 07 th

19.00-21.00, Panel Discussion

«From Science to Action – Knowledge for a Just Transformation?» moderated by Florian Dünckmann (Institute of Geography, CAU Kiel):
Verheyen, Roda (Lawyer and climate activist, Hamburg)
Regis, Steffen (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel)
Morchain, Daniel (International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Winnipeg)
Maus, Gunnar (Regional Planning Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel)
Rodriguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo (German Development Institut, Bonn)

Interested visitors are mostly welcome to the three public events!