Dr Tobias Müller is Principal Investigator of the project “Democratic Futures: Climate Change, Coloniality and State Legitimacy”, funded through a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at the University of Cambridge (2024-2027), and a Fellowship at The New Institute, Hamburg. Previously, he held research and teaching positions at Oxford, Munich, Leiden, Yale and Cambridge, where he received his PhD in Politics and International Studies. His research interests include political and social theory, the politics of climate change, secularism and Islam in Europe, and decolonial and feminist theory. As a political theorist with a preference for ethnographic methods, his current research investigates shifting political visions and strategies across climate movements in the UK, US, Uganda and Kenya. His research has been funded by the European Research Council, the DAAD, the Cambridge Trust and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. His recent work has been published in Political Theory, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Compass, Religion, State and Society and Review of Faith & International Affairs. He has published various op-eds, including in Nature.
Country/Region of interest/research focus: UK, Germany, Uganda, Kenya, US