Birgit Hoinle

Birgit Hoinle is Postdoc-Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture at the University of Hohenheim. She holds a PhD in Geography by the University of Hamburg, promoted with a scholarship by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung within the research cluster on transformation studies. In her dissertation project she analyzed processes of spatial empowerment in the urban and peri-urban agriculture in Colombia. She conducted 18 months of field research with the participatory-action research approach together with agroecological networks and Community Supported Agriculture projects in Bogotá. Her current research involves food justice, sustainable public food procurement and the role of local food initiatives. She is engaged in the building-up of a local food policy council in Tübingen. Birgit Hoinle is part of the network of Critical Geography in Latin-America GeoRaizAL (Red de Geografías Críticas de Raíz Latinoamericana) and of the working group feminist geographies.

Country/Region of interest/research focus: Latin America, Southern Germany

Nutrition Council Tübingen
AK feminist geographies
