Gül Özerol is an assistant professor at the Department of Governance and Technology (CSTM), University of Twente. She is a social-environmental scientist, specializing in public policy and focusing on water, energy and climate change. Her current research focuses on water governance, energy transition and climate resilience in diverse political, social and ecological contexts of the North Sea Region and the Middle East. In her research she integrates actor-based and institutional approaches to public policy and natural resource governance. She applies comparative and transdisciplinary methods that go beyond advancing theories and co-create knowledge in collaboration with academic and non-academic stakeholders.
Country/Region of interest/research focus: Europe, Middle East, North Africa
Keywords: Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Politics, Degrowth, Energy Justice, Gender and Development, Inter-and Transdisciplinary Research Methods, Political Ecology, Socio-Ecological Transformation, Urban and Regional Planning