Salome Wairimu Gikonyo

Miss Salome Gikonyo is a young researcher and environmentalist specializing in sustainability, transformative research and environmental management. She is an award-winning scholar of the leadership for Africa scholarship Award issued by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) January 2023. She is currently pursuing master’s degree in Sustainability at Kiel university Germany. She has served as a research assistant at the UNESCO Chair for Higher Education Development for a Green Economy and Sustainability. In her role she has greatly contributed into research and co-authored papers in areas of circularity, green economy, sustainability and climate change. She has engaged in lot of conferences and made recommendable contributions; she was among the attendees of the European Conference on African Studies that was held in cologne Germany June 2023. Her passion and ambitions contribute greatly in the achievement of sustainable development goals. She is a true example that young people are capable of taking the stewardship role in creating a sustainable future for all.

Country/Region of interest/research focus: Africa
