Enrique F. Pasillas

Ph.D. Law. Universidad de Granada, España. “Posdoc researcher for México.” Conahcyt-El Colef at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Baja California, México. His current research focuses on extractivism, social and environmental conflict, peace building, Human Rights, water and environmental justice and Indigenous peoples rigths. Link:@efpasillas, research gate, academia

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Edgar Delgado Hernández

Bachelor in Sociology, Master in Social Anthropology and PhD student in Social Sciences at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology Western Regional Unit (CIESAS-Occidente) in the research line Environment and Society. His current research discusses, from a political ecology perspective, the unequal production of space in the peripheries, the scarcity and micro-privatization of water and…

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Rogelio Ramos Torres

Social Anthropology Phd Student, working in Social Construction of Risk and Disasters field studies. My current research focuses in the socionatural causes of the damages provoked by the 2017 7th September earthquake on a fishery located in the northern coast of Chiapas, Mexico. I work from a historical/political perspective, which I propose as a necessary platform to understand the…

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Nicolás Vargas-Ramírez

Nicolás is Ecologist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), MSc and PhD in Geography from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is currently an Associate Academic Technician at the Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border of UNAM. Nicolás is self-described as a critical cartographer and an academic activist committed to social and environmental…

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Celia Ruiz de Oña Plaza

Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre on Chiapas and the Southern Border -CIMSUR- at the National Mexican Autonomous University -UNAM-. Her current research in the transborder region between Chiapas and Guatemala focuses on climate change adaptation, rural sustainable production systems and borderland issues. She integrates political ecology and borderland studies into the field of climate change adaptation. Further research…

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