Diego Silva Garzón

Diego Silva is an economist/anthropologist and works as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre of International Environmental Studies (CIES) at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), in Geneva. His work is located at the intersection of science and technology studies, environmental and economic anthropology, and agrarian studies. His current research agenda includes: 1) the socio-technical analysis of seed commodity networks and the rural conflicts surrounding the deployment of agricultural innovations in Latin America (FNS Postdoc project); 2) the anthropological study of climate change mitigation in agriculture through the emergent knowledge and practices of environmental accounting (PI: prof. Shaila Seshia Galvin); and 3) the political ecology of the EU energy transition with a focus on the lithium battery production chain, linking Latin American suppliers of lithium minerals with the European lithium battery industry (co-coordinator for the project led by prof. Marc Hufty).

Country/Region of interest/research focus: Latin America, Colombia and Argentina

