This section provides an overview of the open-source special issues published by EnJust members.
Special Issue 2020:
Narratives and practices of environmental justice. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 151(2-3).
The first special issue “Narratives and practices of environmental justice” compiles the results of the first Enjust workshop in 2019. It includes a diverse set of empirical and conceptual contributions on environmental justice. The articles advance new conceptual ideas (e.g. participation, epistemic justice, socioecological justice, the Environmental Justice Incommensurabilities Framework) and provide interesting insights into ongoing struggles for environmental justice and into the role that narratives play in such struggles. Empirically, the contributions range from resistance against hydropower initiatives (Turkey and Brazil), to movements against coal (Egypt) and bio-ethanol production (Argentina) to spatial flood risk management (Austria and the Netherlands) and urban mobility (Mexico).
Special Issue 2021:
Climate and Marine Justice – Debates and Critical Perspectives. Geographica Helvetica 75/76.
The second special issue “Climate and Marine Justice – Debates and Critical Perspectives” shows that environmental justice perspectives are useful for analysing current socio-ecological conflicts. The papers explore climate and marine narratives, environmental knowledge claims, multiple ontologies, climate change adaptation, and the spatial and temporal shaping of socio-ecological struggles for climate and marine justice in more detail. Furthermore, the issue takes up current strands of climate and marine justice scholarship and explores avenues for further research.
Special Issue 2024:
Environmental Justice in Latin America: Violence and Resistance
The special issue “Environmental Justice in Latin America: Violence and Resistance” compile the results of the fourth EnJust Meeting in 2023. This publication aims to make visible a field of urgent problems faced by nations and peoples in Mexico, Latin America, and the rest of the world: the struggles to transform the dominant political-ecological model of extractivist, exclusionary, patriarchal and ecocide exploitation. Through a wide range of environmental justice issues and situations it weaves a collective narrative that reveals both the violence perpetrated against communities and their environments, as well as the forms of resistance and hope that emerge in response. The contributions in this work strive to capture the current critical state of affairs in an agile and clear manner, underlining the relevance of community organization, tenacity in the face of adversity, and the generation of collective knowledge as crucial elements for the desired socioecological transformation.
Spanish Version: Justicia ambiental en América Latina: entre violencias y resistencias