Clara Lüpke

Clara Lüpke was part of the Coordinationteam of the EnJust Network for environmental justice. She was working as research assistant at in Prof. Klepp’s research group with the thematic focus on environmental justice. She wrote her bachelor’s thesis in Geography on the topic of “The role of digital spaces for young adults with cancer”. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Mediterranean…

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Christine Ax

Author and Expert for Sustainable Development since the 1990s. Active in diverse political and scientific contexts, especially circular society, implementing the rights of nature. I am interested in ecological economy, degrowth and transformation theory and discourses. I have worked intensively on the importance of craftsmanship for sustainable development (because of its time-intensive and highly satisfying way of working and…

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Caroline Meier

Caroline Meier is a research Fellow and PhD candidate at the Biosphere Reserves Institute at the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany. I study cultural dimensions of human-‘nature’ relations. Of particular interest are power relations within environmental initiatives, how they emerged and how they work. In my PhD project, I investigate how international organisations allowed and still allow for…

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Carola Klöck

Assistant professor of political science at Sciences Po Paris. Her research draws on political science, human geography and development studies, and examines the politics of climate change in small island states, with a particular focus on adaptation finance, coastal adaptation, and UN climate negotiations. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Small Island Developing States, Comoros, Seychelles Link

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Antje Bruns

Antje Bruns is a professor for Sustainable Development and Governance in the Human Geography Department at Trier University. Her work examines socio-political geographies of resources and the role of politics, power and expertise in environmental governance. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Germany, Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux), Coastal Cities; West-Africa Website

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Anne Tittor

Researcher in the Research Group Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Transnational Entanglements and Interdependencies in the Bioenergy Sector at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Her current research in Argentina and Europe focuses on socio-ecological conflicts, green grabbing and strategies of social-ecological transformation. She draws on Political Ecology, post- and decolonial perspectives and transnational studies. Further research focuses are global social inequalities,…

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Anna-Lena Friedl

Mein aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt bei Planetarer Gesundheit. In meiner Masterarbeit werde ich die Deutschsprachige Debatte um Planetary Health mit besonderem Fokus auf Klimagerechtigkeit und Transformationsmodelle analysieren. Ich versuche postkoloniale, diskriminierungssensible und Feministische Denkweisen in mein Forschen und Schreiben miteinzubeziehen. More-than-human ecologies, multispecies Ethnography und Medical Anthropology sowie Multimodalität und Wissenschaftskommunikation liegen ebenso in meinem Interessensgebiet. Land/Interessenregion/Forschungsschwerpunkt: München und Umgebung…

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Silja Klepp

Silja Klepp is Professor of Human Geography at Kiel University. She is a trained social anthropologist. Her research group “Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas” deals with human-environment relations in the Anthropocene. In her current research on climate change migration and adaptation, she integrates postcolonial perspectives, justice dimensions and critical theories in the study of the social effects…

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