Somaieh Samimi

I am Somaieh Samimi, a PhD student in environmental science from Iran. The field I am interested in is political ecology. The role of power at any scale in access and environmental justice fascinates me. Injustice in the distribution of natural resources, as well as recently, injustice in the distribution of the consequences of excessive consumption of resources such…

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Jaime Paneque-Gálvez

Associate Professor at the Center of Research in Environmental Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico. His research interests revolve around community-based natural resource management, conservation and territorial defense, with a particular focus on protected areas inhabited by indigenous / local communities that are engaged in struggles for environmental justice. He’s interested in collaborative scientific approaches that trigger transdisciplinary processes…

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Kim Nierobisch

Part of the coordination team of the EnJust Network for Environmental Justice. Research assistant in the working group social geography of coastal and marine areas (Dept. of Geography) and at Kiel Marine Science, Kiel University. Study background in political science, sociology, geography, philosophy with a focus on interdisciplinary marine sciences. Country/Region of interest/research focus: Baltic Sea Region Link

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Ravn Haid

Student of the master program “Environmental Management” at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. He is currently focusing on socio-technical imaginaries within the hydrogen energy transition in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Since Northern Germany has huge potentials for renewable energy production, the construction of a hydrogen energy infrastructure in Schleswig-Holstein is on its way. Ravn is researching the social and power relationships between…

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Madlen Kobi

Madlen Kobi is assistant professor at the Unit of Social Anthropology at the University of Fribourg and leads the research project “Urban Bricolage. Mining, Designing and Constructing With Reused Building Materials“ (SNSF-PRIMA, 2022-2026). The project investigates at the intersection of anthropology and architecture the practical challenges of reusing building materials in selected European countries. The analysis of reuse practices…

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Jordan Rydman

M.A. (Environmental) Social Science student and student researcher, part of the Global Studies Programme organized between University of Freiburg (Germany), University of Cape Town (South Africa), and Jawaharlal University (India). She conducts research in the areas of environmental governance and sustainable economics, working specifically on sovereign sustainability transitions in food cultures to improve community resiliency to climate change and…

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Edgar Delgado Hernández

Bachelor in Sociology, Master in Social Anthropology and PhD student in Social Sciences at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology Western Regional Unit (CIESAS-Occidente) in the research line Environment and Society. His current research discusses, from a political ecology perspective, the unequal production of space in the peripheries, the scarcity and micro-privatization of water and…

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Manuel Wagner

Manuel Wagner works at the urban, multifunctional agriculture Annalinde in Leipzig as an educationer for urban gardening and socio-ecological transformation. He studied at the University of Münster and worked at the StadtLabor of the Geo-Science department at the intersection of science, art and activism. His research focuses on human-compost relations and ethics of care. For this he refers to…

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Michael Mikulewicz

Michael is a critical geographer who studies the intersecting social, economic and political inequalities caused by the impacts of, and our responses to, climate change. His research is informed by critical theory and interrogates the concepts of climate justice, adaptation, resilience and intersectionality. Michael is an Assistant Professor of Climate Justice and Urban Sustainability at the Department of Environmental…

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Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco

Jean Carlo Rodriguez is an environmental-social scientist interested in environmental change, environmental governance and equity. At the Alexander von Humboldt Institute in Colombia and the Landbouw Economisch Instituut (LEI) in the Netherlands, he gathered significant experience in designing and implementing NbS to protect ecosystems and biodiversity for the provision of watershed ecosystem services. During his Ph.D. on the political…

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