Elisa (Lizzy) Privitera

Elisa Privitera (Lizzy) is a researcher and practitioner, contributing to spatial environmental justice-related initiatives and with experiences in Italy, Canada, California, and Sweden. Her work draws on participatory planning, environmental humanities, political ecology, environmental justice and South studies. Lizzy has achieved significant academic milestones, including being awarded a Fulbright fellowship for a research exchange at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Currently she is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Urban Just Transitions research project at the University of Toronto Scarborough (Canada). She is co-leading the Listening Project, a community-based research initiative that collaborates with community partners to understand and envision equitable transitions. Her work focuses on investigating how the co-production of knowledge can enhance environmental and social urban justice. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Design. Her dissertation examined the democratization of environmental knowledge and explored the potential role of small data and toxic autobiographies in understanding and planning within risk landscapes. Additionally, she has served as an elected member of the coordination team for the AESOP Young Academics Network. Currently, she is member of the PlaNext – Next Generation Planning editorial team and of the editorial collective of Resistance: A Journal of Radical Environmental Humanities.

Country/Region of interest /research focus: Mediterranean region (especially Sicily); USA (especially California); Canada; Global South countries


