Timothy Adams (Dr. PhD) is Postdoctoral researcher of Human Geography in commercial investments of natural resources, institutional change and innovations, inclusive businesses, gender, and resource governance (e.g., land, water, and forest etc.) at the University of Bern, Institute of geography and member of Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED). His current research in sub-Saharan Africa focuses on institutional innovations for inclusive land investments, gender, and environmental justice. He integrates political ecology, science technology and innovation studies perspectives and critical theories into the field of institutional change, land commercialization, gender and development. Further research focuses on the environmental, economic, and social consequences of formalized arrangements of collective tenure institutional innovations (FACT) for commercial land investments (i.e., land, water, forest, and minerals). Timothy Adams’s main research areas are in sub-Saharan Africa but had in the past worked on projects involving commercial land investments in different resources sectors across the African continent (i.e., solar energy in Morocco, Timber plantations in Tanzania, rice farming in Ghana, and sugarcane in Malawi and Zambia).
Country/Region of interest/research focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
Keywords: Agroecology, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Politics, Degrowth, Ecological Economics, Energy Justice, Gender and Development, Inter-and Transdisciplinary Research Methods, Legal Geographies, Marine Social Science, Migration, Mobility Concepts, Political Ecology, Postcolonialism, Science and Technology Studies, Socio-Ecological Transformation, Urban and Regional Planning, Institutional Economics