This section includes, among others, articles and books looking into fairness, equity and procedural aspects of climate governance.
Adger, W. N., et al., Eds. (2006). Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change. Cambridge, MIT Press.
Baatz, C. (2017). Compensating climate change victims in developing countries – Justification and realization. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Greifswald.
Baatz, C. (2018). „Climate Adaptation Finance and Justice. A Criteria-Based Assessment of Policy Instruments.“ Analyse & Kritik 40(1): 1-33.
Boeckmann, M. and H. Zeeb (2016). „Justice and Equity Implications of Climate Change Adaptation: A Theoretical Evaluation Framework.“ Healthcare (Basel) 4(3): 65.
Borras, S. M. and J. C. Franco (2018). „The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice.“ Third World Quarterly 39(7): 1308-1325.
Braun, F. and C. Baatz (2016): Klimaverantwortung. In: Heidbrink, L., Langbehn, C. and J. Loh (Eds.): Handbuch Verantwortung: Springer.
Caney, S. (2005). „Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change.“ Leiden Journal of International Law 18(4): 747-775.
Caney, S. (2010). „Climate change and the duties of the advantaged.“ Critical review of international social and political philosophy 13(1): 203-228.
Caney, S. (2014). „Two Kinds of Climate Justice: Avoiding Harm and Sharing Burdens.“ Journal of Political Philosophy 22(2): 125-149.
Fragnière, A. (2016). „Climate change and individual duties.“ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7(6): 798-814.
Gardiner, S. M. (2006). „A perfect moral storm: Climate change, intergenerational ethics and the problem of moral corruption.“ Environmental values 15(3): 397-413.
Gardiner, S. M. (2010). „Ethics and climate change: an introduction.“ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1(1): 54-66.
Grear, A. (2014). „Towards ‘climate justice’? A critical reflection on legal subjectivity and climate injustice: warning signals, patterned hierarchies, directions for future law and policy.“ Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 5: 103-133.
Hayward, T. (2012). „Climate change and ethics.“ In: Nature Climate Change 2(12): 843–848.
Heyward, J. C. and D. Roser, Eds. (2016). Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford, OUP Oxford.
Holland, B. (2017). „Procedural justice in local climate adaptation: political capabilities and transformational change.“ Environmental Politics 26(3): 391-412.
Houston, D., et al. (2017). „Make kin, not cities! Multispecies entanglements and ‘becoming-world’ in planning theory.“ Planning Theory 17(2): 190-212.
Kaswan, A. (2016). „Climate Adaptation and Theories of Justice.“ Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie forthcoming: 24.
Kristjanson, P., et al. (2017). „Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going?“ International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(5): 482-500.
Meyer, L. H. and D. Roser (2006). „Distributive justice and climate change. The allocation of emission rights.“ Analyse & Kritik 28(2): 223-249.
Moellendorf, D. (2012). „Climate change and global justice.“ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 3(2): 131-143.
Osborne, N. (2015). „Intersectionality and kyriarchy: A framework for approaching power and social justice in planning and climate change adaptation.“ Planning Theory 14(2): 130-151.
Ott, K. (2012). „Domains of climate ethics.“ Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik 16(1): 95-114.
Ott, K., Klepper, G., Lingner, S., Schäfer, A., Scheffran, J., Sprinz, D., and M. Schröder (2004). Reasoning goals of climate protection. specification of article 2 unfccc. Berlin, Umweltbundesamt.
Paavola, J. and W. N. Adger (2002) Justice and adaptation to climate change.
Page, E. A. (2008). „Distributing the burdens of climate change.“ Environmental Politics 17(4): 556-575.
Roser, D. and C. Seidel (2016). Climate justice: An introduction. New York, Taylor & Francis.
Schlosberg, D. (2012). „Climate Justice and Capabilities: A Framework for Adaptation Policy.“ Ethics & International Affairs 26(4): 445-461.
Schlosberg, D. and L. B. Collins (2014). „From environmental to climate justice: climate change and the discourse of environmental justice.“ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 5(3): 359-374.
Schlosberg, D., et al. (2017). „Adaptation policy and community discourse: risk, vulnerability, and just transformation.“ Environmental Politics 26(3): 413-437.
Shi, L., et al. (2016). „Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research.“ Nature Climate Change 6: 131.
Shue, H. (2014). Climate justice: Vulnerability and protection. Oxford, OUP.
Shue, H. (2015). „Historical responsibility, harm prohibition, and preservation requirement: Core practical convergence on climate change.“ Moral Philosophy and Politics 2(1): 7-31.
Simon, C. (2016). „The Struggle for Climate Justice in a Non‐Ideal World.“ Midwest Studies In Philosophy 40(1): 9-26.