Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes

Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes

Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes leads Yarrow Global Consulting gGmbH, a non-profit consulting firm based in Germany that operates at the intersection of health and the environment with a special focus on intersectional feminist approaches to socio-ecological transformation processes. She is an experienced facilitator, project manager, and gender expert with extensive expertise in participatory methods and capacity building. She…

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Rebecca Bratspies

Rebecca Bratspies is a Law Professor at City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, and the founding Director of the Center for Urban Environmental Reform. She is an internationally recognized expert on environmental justice, food justice, and the human right to a healthy environment. Professor Bratspies has written scores of law review articles, op-eds, and other publications….

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Klaus Geiselhart

Privatdozent an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Als Sozialgeograph hat er Arbeiten zu sozialer Inklusion und Exklusion, den Urban Studies, praxelogischen Theorien, der Methodologie der Sozialwissenschaften und der geographischen Gesundheitsforschung vorgelegt. Er entwickelte das Forschungsprogramm einer transaktionalen Anthropologie, die ein spezifisches Verständnis von Kritik als Mediation ausdrückt. Es eignet sich insbesondere zur Analyse lokaler Machtasymmetrien und Dissensszenarien. Jüngere Arbeiten beschäftigen sich…

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Margaret Ojochide Aligbe

PhD student in Transdisciplinary Sustainability with a background in Agricultural Economics, Sustainable Development and Community Organizing as well as Fund Raising. Wrote and researched on Fast Fashion, then continued in the field of plastic bag usage, development of megacities that lead to more environmental degradation and economic gentrification that displaces people. Margaret Ojochide Aligbe is presently researching on the…

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Lizette Grobler

Lizette Grobler is currently a postdoctoral research fellow affiliated with the interdisciplinary DSI/NRF/CSIR Chair in Waste and Society at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). She is involved with the Clean Cities and Towns project. Previously she completed a postdoctoral research fellowship with the South African Research Chair in Property Law (SARPL), at the University of Stellenbosch, where she obtained…

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Timothy Adams

Timothy Adams (Dr. PhD) is Postdoctoral researcher of Human Geography in commercial investments of natural resources, institutional change and innovations, inclusive businesses, gender, and resource governance (e.g., land, water, and forest etc.) at the University of Bern, Institute of geography and member of Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED). His current research in sub-Saharan Africa focuses on institutional innovations…

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Konrad Ott

Konrad Ott bemüht sich in Forschung und Lehre, die Reflexionskompetenz der Philosophie, Orientierungs- und Begründungsleistungen der Ethik sowie empirische Sachstände im Umweltbereich zu vermitteln. Seine philosophischen Schwerpunkte sind dabei Diskursethik, Umweltethik, Gerechtigkeitstheorien, Nachhaltigkeit, ethische Aspekte des Klimawandels, Naturschutzbegründungen und die normativen Grundlagen der Umweltpolitik. Während seiner akademischen Laufbahn hat Ott überwiegend trans- und interdisziplinär gearbeitet. So hat er sich…

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Sybille Bauriedl

Sybille Bauriedl

Sybille Bauriedl is Professor of Integrative Geography at the Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany). She has been researching and teaching sustainable urban development and global environmental conflicts since the 1990s. She is engaged in scientific networks of political ecology and feminist geography and is involved in the right to the city movement. Current research projects deal with local energy transition, platform…

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Barbara Dombrowski

For the last 10 years Barbara Dombrowski dedicated her work to places affected by climate change. She focused on five relevant and specific climate localities on every continent and their indigenous population: Achuar in Ecuador, Inuit in East Greenland, mongolian Nomads in Desert Gobi, Maasai in the Republic of Tansania and Micronesians in Kiribati. Man-made climate change is not…

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Ana Lucía Maya-Aguirre

Director and Co-founder of the Observatory for Marine and Coastal Governance (Colombia). Member of the Marine Working Group of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW). Member of the Latin American Hub of the Virtual Blue Decade. More than 14 years of experience working on: coastal law, international environmental law, comparative law, environmental migrations, human rights, environmental governance, sustainable development…

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