Sybille Bauriedl

Sybille Bauriedl

Sybille Bauriedl is Professor of Integrative Geography at the Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany). She has been researching and teaching sustainable urban development and global environmental conflicts since the 1990s. She is engaged in scientific networks of political ecology and feminist geography and is involved in the right to the city movement. Current research projects deal with local energy transition, platform…

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Barbara Dombrowski

For the last 10 years Barbara Dombrowski dedicated her work to places affected by climate change. She focused on five relevant and specific climate localities on every continent and their indigenous population: Achuar in Ecuador, Inuit in East Greenland, mongolian Nomads in Desert Gobi, Maasai in the Republic of Tansania and Micronesians in Kiribati. Man-made climate change is not…

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Ana Lucía Maya-Aguirre

Director and Co-founder of the Observatory for Marine and Coastal Governance (Colombia). Member of the Marine Working Group of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW). Member of the Latin American Hub of the Virtual Blue Decade. More than 14 years of experience working on: coastal law, international environmental law, comparative law, environmental migrations, human rights, environmental governance, sustainable development…

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Luis Rubén González Márquez

Luis Rubén González Márquez

Luis Rubén González Márquez is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of California, Merced. Previously, he studied history in the University of El Salvador, and Sociology at the graduate level in Ecuador. He worked as researcher in the National Teachers Training Institute (INFOD) of El Salvador and lecturer at the University of El Salvador. Luis Rubén was…

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Gül Özerol

Gül Özerol is an assistant professor at the Department of Governance and Technology (CSTM), University of Twente. She is a social-environmental scientist, specializing in public policy and focusing on water, energy and climate change. Her current research focuses on water governance, energy transition and climate resilience in diverse political, social and ecological contexts of the North Sea Region and…

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Paola Villavicencio Calzadilla

Paola Villavicencio Calzadilla is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law and the Tarragona Center for Environmental Law Studies (CEDAT) of the University Rovira i Virgili (URV), Spain. She received her PhD in Law, specialty in climate change law, and her Master’s Degree on Environmental Law, both from the URV. After completing her PhD, she undertook a…

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Tobias Kalt

Politikwissenschaftler mit Schwerpunkt Politische Ökologie und Scholar-Activism am Lehrstuhl für Globale Klimapolitik an der Universität Hamburg und Mitglied der Forschungsgruppe „GLOCALPOWER – Funds, Tools and Networks for an African Energy Transition“. Meine Forschungsinteressen sind sozial-ökologische Transformation, Transformationskonflikte sowie Energie- und Klimagerechtigkeit. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Rolle von sozialen Bewegungen und Gewerkschaften in sozial-ökoloischen Transformationsprozessen. Land/Interessenregion/Forschungsschwerpunkt: Deutschland, Südafrika…

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Leah Lazer

I am an experienced urban sustainability researcher who helps policymakers make evidence-based and equity-focused decisions. Over the past seven years at the World Resources Institute, I have authored almost 20 research publications using both qualitative and quantitative methods. My main areas of expertise are urban policy and planning, equity analysis of environmental policies, multi-level governance, just transitions, mobility, and…

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Patricia Widener

Patricia Widener is a professor of sociology at Florida Atlantic University, and her research and teaching interests include social movements and environmental, climate, and marine justice. In the past, she has researched how communities and environmental groups responded to offshore and onshore oil extraction or expansion activities in Aotearoa New Zealand, Ecuador, and in Florida in the U.S. Currently,…

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Yoana de Jesus Vargas Magana

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and a master’s degree in Geophysics/Geology. Remote Sensing is my passion and I have been self-learning how to use satellite data to assess environmental issues. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science & Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I strongly believe that it is our…

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