Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes

Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes

Lila Sax dos Santos Gomes leads Yarrow Global Consulting gGmbH, a non-profit consulting firm based in Germany that operates at the intersection of health and the environment with a special focus on intersectional feminist approaches to socio-ecological transformation processes. She is an experienced facilitator, project manager, and gender expert with extensive expertise in participatory methods and capacity building. She…

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Leah Lazer

I am an experienced urban sustainability researcher who helps policymakers make evidence-based and equity-focused decisions. Over the past seven years at the World Resources Institute, I have authored almost 20 research publications using both qualitative and quantitative methods. My main areas of expertise are urban policy and planning, equity analysis of environmental policies, multi-level governance, just transitions, mobility, and…

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Yoana de Jesus Vargas Magana

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and a master’s degree in Geophysics/Geology. Remote Sensing is my passion and I have been self-learning how to use satellite data to assess environmental issues. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science & Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). I strongly believe that it is our…

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Wendy Chávez-Páez

Wendy Chávez is an economist (Polytechnic School of Guayaquil, Ecuador) and holds a master’s degree in public administration (New York, USA) and a master’s degree in human settlements (KU Leuven, Belgium). She is a junior researcher and PhD student in Political and Cultural Change at the Center for Development Research of the University of Bonn. Her thesis project is…

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Elisa (Lizzy) Privitera

Elisa Privitera (Lizzy) is a researcher and practitioner, contributing to spatial environmental justice-related initiatives and with experiences in Italy, Canada, California, and Sweden. Her work draws on participatory planning, environmental humanities, political ecology, environmental justice and South studies. Lizzy has achieved significant academic milestones, including being awarded a Fulbright fellowship for a research exchange at the University of California,…

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Benno Fladvad

Humangeograph und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe „Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit“ an der Universität Hamburg. Seiner Dissertation beschäftigte sich mit den politischen Geographien der Kämpfe um Ernährungssouveränität in Bolivien, in deren Rahmen er mehrmonatige Forschungsaufenthalte durchführte. Seine Hauptforschungsinteressen sind Politische Geographie, Politische Ökologie, Geographien der Nahrung/Ernährung, Geographien der Gerechtigkeit sowie Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsforschung. Seine aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in konfligierenden Imaginationen…

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Anna-Lena Friedl

Mein aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt bei Planetarer Gesundheit. In meiner Masterarbeit werde ich die Deutschsprachige Debatte um Planetary Health mit besonderem Fokus auf Klimagerechtigkeit und Transformationsmodelle analysieren. Ich versuche postkoloniale, diskriminierungssensible und Feministische Denkweisen in mein Forschen und Schreiben miteinzubeziehen. More-than-human ecologies, multispecies Ethnography und Medical Anthropology sowie Multimodalität und Wissenschaftskommunikation liegen ebenso in meinem Interessensgebiet. Land/Interessenregion/Forschungsschwerpunkt: München und Umgebung…

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