EnJust cordially invites you to our panel discussion, which is part of the digital #GeoWoche 2021:
Environmental justice in Human Geography and beyond: taking stock and assessing avenues for future research
When: October 6th at 2:30 CEST
Andrew Baldwin (Durham University)
Agni Kalfagianni (Utrecht University)
Detlef Müller-Mahn (University of Bonn)
Özge Yaka (University of Potsdam/Humboldt University Berlin)
Organized by: Environmental Justice Network „EnJust“
Benno Fladvad (University of Hamburg)
Jonas Hein (University of Kiel)
Silja Klepp (University of Kiel)
Florian Dünckmann (University of Kiel)
In the last years, the field of environmental justice has gained growing attention within Human Geography and the wider social sciences. In particular, the recent climate justice mobilizations and current debates on the Anthropocene have triggered new lines of thoughts, such as “planetary justice” (Biermann/Kalfagianni 2020), or reanimated older debates about a just transition, transnational resp. intergenerational justice, racial justice, justice for the non-human world and spatial justice. This “expanding sphere” of environmental justice (Schlosberg 2013) and the renewed attention to different dimensions of justice within current debates on the planetary future require taking stock of this vibrant field to assess future research avenues and priorities. Where is the place of environmental justice in Geography? What are its most relevant, innovative and contested approaches? Which issues are missing from contemporary debates? Do certain research avenues contradict others? What drives the renewed attention to environmental justice? How do debates on environmental justice relate to debates on political ecology and the environmental humanities? What role can Geography play within this emerging transdisciplinary field, e.g. in terms of militant research, scholar activism and research in postcolonial contexts? Is the notion of environmental justice still adequate or do we need new terminologies? These are some of the questions we would like to discuss with selected key authors of the environmental justice community.
Biermann, Frank; Kalfagianni, Agni (2020): Planetary justice: A research
framework. Earth System Governance, 6, Art. 100049.
Schlosberg, David (2013): Theorising environmental justice: the expanding sphere of a discourse. Environmental Politics, 22 (1), 37–55.
For further information and registration (for free) please visit: https://www.phil.uni-passau.de/en/geography-section/geowoche2021/
Registered participants will receive the Zoom access details shortly before the beginning of the GeoWoche, at October 4th.