Special Issue “Narratives and practices of environmental justice”

The first special issue “Narratives and practices of environmental justice” compiling the results of last year’s Enjust workshop has just been published in the open access journal “DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin”.

The special issue includes a diverse set of empirical and conceptual contributions on environmental justice. The articles advance new conceptual ideas (e.g. participation, epistemic justice, socioecological justice, Environmental Justice Incommensurabilities Framework) and provide very interesting insights into ongoing struggles for environmental justice and into the role that narratives play in such struggles. Empirically, the contributions range from resistance against hydropower initiatives (Turkey and Brazil), to movements against coal (Egypt) and bio-ethanol production (Argentina) to spatial flood risk management (Austria and Netherlands) and urban mobility (Mexico).

The articles are available online: https://www.die-erde.org/index.php/die-erde/issue/view/45