Yoana de Jesus Vargas Magana

Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science & Engineering

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics and a master’s...

Sven Bergmann

Cultural Anthropologist

Sven Bergmann ist Kulturanthropologe und arbeitet derzeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter...

Celia Ruiz de Oña Plaza

political ecologist, journalist and traveler and dancer with the mountains

Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre on Chiapas and the...

Antje Bruns

Professor for Governance and Sustainability

Antje Bruns is a professor for Sustainable Development and Governance...

Anna-Lena Friedl

Masterstudent Visual Anthropology

Mein aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt bei Planetarer Gesundheit. In meiner Masterarbeit...
