Mennatullah Mohamed Hendawy

Urban Planner and Visual Thinker

Mennatullah is an urban planner and visual thinker who aims...

Elena Zepharovich

Researcher at Center for Development and Environment

Elena Zepharovich is a researcher at the Centre for Development...

Robert Hafner

PhD, Institute of Geography,

Mitglied des interdisziplinären FWF Zukunftskollegs „Exploring values-based modes of production...

Thomas Thaler

Senior Scientist at the Institute of Landscape Planning

Der Schwerpunkt meiner Forschungsfragen liegen auf den Schnittstellen Klima, Umwelt...

Gert van Hecken

Assistant Professor at Institute of Development Policy

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Development Policy (IOB), University...

Riccarda Flemmer

Postdoctoral Researcher

She is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department...
